brand aastha

The Vision
Everyone taps into their inner power and creates a loving relationship with themselves, translating into love and compassion flowing for everyone else.
The Mission
To coach corporate and business leaders to build their happiness muscle by expressing their authentic selves and stepping into their highest, truest potential.
Our Heart Codes
Maintain Integrity
Love yourself and love others
Be grateful
Be authentic
Be a lifelong learner
Take charge
Make it World Class
Embrace change
What does AASTHA stand for?
Aastha is a Sanskrit word that signifies Belief or Hope.
The word, in its current context, connotes Faith in Self. That I am the one I have been waiting for. As humans, we all have an inherent desire to belong - belong to other individuals, a greater community or group. So much so that we associate our Happiness with the people and things outside us. However, we miss out on connecting and belonging to ourselves. That is where Happiness lies!
The source of all organisational issues, I believe is interpersonal challenges. As humans, we all want to be seen and heard and experience relatedness.
How about creating those strong bonds and camaraderie with your team members and within the team?
How about creating a workplace environment with a strong background of relatedness?
What do you think is possible then?
However, your relationships outside are a reflection of your relationship with yourself. What you hold inside is what you can give outside.
How about leading from joy instead of fear?
With Aastha,
I invite you to this beautiful journey of exploring and discovering that which you are seeking!
I invite you to redefine the rules of Professional Relations!
I invite you to not just take the wheel but also shift gears!
I invite you to drop all guards and come forth as a Leader who inspires!
I invite you to experience the magic when you express yourself uninhibitedly and unapologetically!
Are you willing to BE HAPPY? Are you willing to give all that it takes? Are you willing to experience the unexpected?
Interestingly, it starts with YOU. Who you are BEING and how you're SHOWING up creates your REALITY.
Are you willing to look at what holds you back from creating that which you desire?
Remember Happy Leaders create Happy Organisations!
What are you waiting for?